
Car Information

  • Ford Kuga

    Vehicle specifications:
  • 5doors 4X4 SUV
  • Engine size 1.6 litters eco boost
  • Transmission: automatic
  • Capacity: Up to 5 persons.
  • Max Baggage: up to 4 large and 2 small.
0.00 /for 1 day(s)

Advantages of a Ford Kuga Car Rental


Ford Kuga 4×4 is the perfect 4×4 rental car to hire for travel around Cyprus.

Ford Kuga has high ground clearance and excellent traction for all wheels which will make it possible for you to drive roads you would normally not drive in a passenger car. These are the rough gravel roads that normally lead to the misteries of Cyprus interior.

The Ford Kuga 4×4 is renowned for great driving dynamics and is consequently perfect for many of the rough gravel roads of Cyprus interior.

The high ground clearance will also help you avoid loose rocks on the roads that may damage an ordinary passenger car

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